Technical Details
Render Engines Compatibility: Cycles
Requires Displacement: No
Requires UVs: No
Processing/Complexity: 1/3
Can be baked: No
Base Color: Base Color
Surface Roughness: Surface Roughness
Transmission Roughness: Transmission Roughness
IOR: Index of refraction
Shadow: Shadow intensity
Volume Shadow: Volume Shadow intensity
Absorption Color: Volume Absorption Color
V. Absorption: Absorption Density
Scatter Color: Volume Scatter Color
V. Scatter: Volume Scatter Density
Object Dimension: Scales all parameters proportionally when Auto Dimensions is not active
Auto Dimensions: Scales all parameters proportionally to the dimension of the object
Replace Caustics Color: Replace the color of Blender caustics when active
Caustics Color: Replace the color of Blender caustics when active
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