3D Labels
Adds a procedural text label to the scene


-Click the “Add New” button every time you want to add a new label, you can also duplicate the object to create new labels (shift+D).


String: The text for the label
Font Size: Font Size
Extrude Height: Extrudes the text
Text Color: Color for the text (while using the default material)
Offset Line: Offsets the line to avoid letters like “g” that extend below the baseline to get hidden
Character Spacing: Spacing between characters
Word Spacing: Spacing between words
Line Spacing: Spacing between lines
Text Box Width: The width of the text box, words that won’t fit in it will go to the next line
Dynamic Box Width (1 line): When active extends the text box dynamically to force 1 line text
Replace Material: Replace the default material
Center (origin): Center the text box on the origin point
Rotation: Rotates the text using the origin point as the center of the rotation
Emission: Controls emission on the text material (while using the default material)

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Render by Sanctus


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