Creates an Array on a curve

-You can use the “Add New” button to add a new curve, or “Apply to Curve” button for existing curves
-With your curve selected go to the modifiers tab and select the collection that contains the objects you want to instance along the curve.
-By default, the X axis of the instances is aligned to the Tangent of the curve and the Y axis to the Normal (you can always change that by rotating the instances. This also means that if you twist your spline (CTRL+T on edit mode), the instances will follow that twist.


Collection: The collection where the objects to be instanced are

Instances Count: Number of instances
Trim Start: Trim curve start
Trim End: Trim curve end

Random Spacing : Activate Random Spacing between instances
Random Spacing Factor: Increase the difference in spacing
Even Spacing (boolean): Activate the even spacing between instances
Even Spacing (factor): When even spacing is active, set the space you want between instances
Spacing Seed: A seed for random and even spacing

Order (Random/Index): Switch between Random and Indexed order of instances from your collection
Random Order Seed: When using Random order, changes the seed to get different results

Distance Factor: Multiplies the distance between instances without affecting the curve, you will still be able to offset them along the curve
Offset Position on Curve: Offsets the position of instances along the curve

Position Local Space: Switch between Global or Local space
Position: Change the position of instances
Random Position X: Randomly changes position on X axis
Random Position Y: Randomly changes position on Y axis
Random Position Z: Randomly changes position on Z axis
Position Seed: A seed for the random position changes

Rotation: Rotates instances in local space
X Random Rotation: Adds random rotation to the X axis
Y Random Rotation: Adds random rotation to the Y axis
Z Random Rotation: Adds random rotation to the Z axis
Random Rotation Seed: A seed for the random rotations

Scale: Instances Scale
Random Scale: Adds variation to the instances scale
Scale Seed: A seed for the random variations in scale

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