Allows to change the material parameters in the edges (Color, Metallic, Rouguhness)


Detect Method: Switch between 2 types of Edge Masks (1 is most suitable for low poly objects with no bevel, 0 works better on beveled/subdivided objects)
Distance: Mask distance
Blend: Mask blending
Strength: Mask strength

Scale: Mask noise scale
Detail: Mask noise detail
Roughness: Mask noise roughness
Distortion: Mask noise distortion
Factor: Mask noise factor

▼ MASK IRREGULAR (A noise that makes the mask more irregular)
Scale: Irregular noise scale
Detail: Irregular noise detail
Roughness: Irregular noise roughness
Distortion: Irregular noise distortion
Factor: Irregular noise factor

Replace Color: replace the color in the affected areas
Color: Color
Replace Metallic: replace metalness in the affected areas
Metallic: Metallic
Replace Roughness: replace roughness in the affected areas
Roughness: Roughness
Seed: Gives different results using the same parameters
noise vector: An input where you can replace the default vector, you can for example plug a UV Map node with a Mapping node or any other texture coordinate.

More about stretched textures & mapping

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