Digital Disintegration

Technical Details

Render Engines Compatibility: Cycles, Eevee
Requires Displacement: No
Requires UVs: No
Processing/Complexity: 1/3
Can be baked: No


By default the effect has 2 example materials
A. A simple gray Diffuse Shader
B. A transparent Shader
But you can change them for any other shader or material that you want in the shader editor and animate a transition between them with this effect


Shader 1 input(Only visible in shader editor): The 1st shader used for the mix
Shader 2 input(Only visible in shader editor): The 2nd shader used for the mix

Wires Range: How far the wires texture is visible
Wire Color: wires color
Wires Emission: wires emission strength

Faces Range: How far the faces texture is visible
Face Color: faces color
Faces Emission: faces emission strength

Animate: Animates the transition
Extend: Extends the transition limits, so if you at Animate = 0 or 1 you still see a part of the effect you can use this to add more margin
Noise: Adds noise to the transition mask. 0 = A perfect line, 1 = Maximum distance between cells in the transition.

Scale: Texture Scale
Aspect Ratio: Texture aspect ratio. Since the effect uses generated coordinates to be able to drive the mask, you can use this to compensate for the aspect ratio of the target object.
Rotation: Rotates the direction of the effect (for example if you want the effect bottom to top: Rotate Y axis 90º Top to bottom: Y axis -90º Right to Left: Z axis 180º and so on… )


Render by Sanctus


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