The UI

1. Texture resolution
2a. Auto margin, uncheck to manually set it to a fixed pixel number
2b. Bake Decals: When checked, the decals assigned to the object will be baked combined with the object material.
2c. Override Textures: When checked, when you bake new version of the maps the old ones will be automatically replaced, otherwise new images with a new suffix will be created.
3. Bake Button: Initiates the baking process
4. Clear Queue: clears the baking queue
5. Baking Queue: the maps in queue to be baked
6. Map Settings
6a. Map Type: You can change the map type within the available options. If you want to bake a different map than the traditional available ones, you can chose the OTHER type.
6b. Samples: change the amount of samples to be uses in that map
6c. Active: uncheck to leave the map hidden from the baking process if needed.
7. Remove Element: Removes the elements from the Map (there’s a button to remove them all at ones or the minus symbol on each line will remove one at a time)
8. Select sockets for baking: This button has the same functionality than the one you get when in the right click menu of any node or nodegroup. It is used to quickly create maps based on the available output sockets names. If the name does not really correspond to the map type, them you can always change it manually using Map Type (6a).
9. Add New Empty Map: This option will open a menu with all the available Map Types remaining (in case some are already added). There’s no limit of the “OTHER” Map Types, but there can only be one of all the others (Color, Metallic, Roughness, etc…).
When a new Empty Map Type is added or you are in a different Material Slot, a new button “Add Socket” will be available to add Output Sockets to that Map

When clicked, you will see the available Output Sockets from the selected Node or Node Group that you can add to that Map.
Only one socket from each material in each slot can be added to a single Map since there can’t be two different sockets baking in the same face.
10. The Sets are where the Baked maps show once the Baking Process finishes. Each baking process creates a new set unless “Override Textures”(2c) is checked.
11. Different Sorting options
12. Show Only Local Sets: By default is active and only shows bakes from the selected object, deactivating the button will show every bake set from the blend file (in case you need one of the textures from another object’s bake)
13a. Instantiate Images: Adds all Set images as Image Texture Nodes in the Shader Editor
13b. Instantiate PBR setup: Adds all Set images connected to a Principled Shader in the Shader Editor
13c. Save All: Batch Save all images (until saved, all images are temporary, if they are not used and blender is closed, they will be lost.)
13d. Remove Elements: Removes all the images from the current set
There are also single copies of this buttons to affect only one of the images (Instantiate Image, Save Image, Remove)
14. The thumbnails of the baked maps, clicking them will open a window with the full size texture.


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