Technical Parameters

Asset Type: Add New


Metal Material: Material used in the metallic parts

Bolts Object: Replaces the bolt object
Bolts Scale: Scales bolts
Bolts Amount: Bolts density per band

Band Width: Band width
Band Thickness: Band thickness
Band Separation: Increase spacing between bands and bucket
Bands Number: Amount of bands
Band Offset: Offset bands position
Band Spacing: Increase spacing between bands

Bucket Height: Total bucket height
Bucket Radius: Bucket radius
Bucket Base: Bucket base radius multiplier

Planks Number: Number of planks forming the bucket
Planks Thickness: Planks thickness
Planks Spacing: Spacing between planks
Planks Variation: Random position offset of planks
Wood Material: Material used on planks

Handles Object: Replaces the handles object
Handles Scale: Scale handles

Liquid Level: Bucket liquid level
Liquid Material: Bucket liquid material

Autosmooth Angle: Angle for autosmooth
Overall Scale: Overall bucket scale
Seed: Gives different results using the same parameters
Realize Instances: Activate this Only before applying the modifier to convert instances to mesh. (It may take some processing time)

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