Brick Transform

Transforms the selected object into construction bricks.
The object mesh can be edited even after the effect is applied

-Select the object you want to transform, click the “Apply to Mesh” button on Sanctus Library panel.

The effect applies a default material called “sl_brick_transform” with a white color, but the important part is that this material has an attribute that replicates the original object’s UVs.

If you go to the Shading tab and select the “sl_brick_transform” material you will see a node with the label “UV Map” on it, if you use this node’s vector output on an Image texture you will have the original objects UVs. To edit this UV’s you can simply edit the original objects UVs as usual and the bricks will replicate the changes.

Multiple objects with Brick Transform

By default all the objects will share the same material, if you want to assign different materials you can make single user copy of the material and change it on the modifier Material Slot


Brick Scale: Size of the bricks
Thickness: Bricks are instanced close to the faces of the target object, this parameter controls how far from it they will still be instanced
Animate: A control for an animation that makes the brick fly in place
Material: The assigned material


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