Technical Details

Render Engines Compatibility: Cycles
Requires Displacement: No
Requires UVs: No
Processing/Complexity: 1/3
Can be baked: Yes (Anisotropic effect needs to be set in the principled shader after baking)
How to bake materials


Color: Material Color
Metallic: Material Metallic

Brushed Top/Bottom: Material is brushed in the top and bottom surface
Brushed Sides: Material is brushed in the sides
Brushed Roughness: Material roughness on brushed surfaces
Unbrushed Roughness: Material roughness in non-brushed surfaces
Texture Scale: Overall texture scale
Blend: Blend between top and bottom texture and sides texture

Anisotropic: Anisotropic value
Anisotropic Rotation: Anisotropic rotation
Axis (1=X|2=Y|3=Z): The axis for the brushing and anisotropic effect

Bevel Radius: Adds a bevel in the normals

User’s Gallery

Render by 7bitretro

Render by Sanctus


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