Technical Details

Render Engines Compatibility: Cycles
Requires Displacement: No
Requires UVs: No
Processing/Complexity: 2/3
Can be baked: No


Roughness: Glass Roughness
IOR: Glass IOR
Glass Thickness: Glass Thickness makes the shadow caustics look like the glass is thicker

Base Light: Offsets the caustics colors
Light Multiplier: Multiplies the light that goes through the glass

Shadow: Turns the shadow transparent

Glass Dispersion: Adds dispersion
Shadow Dispersion: Adds dispersion in the shadows / caustics

Mix 1: Adds fake textures in the caustics
Mix 1 Scale: Changes the scale of the mix 1 texture
Mix 2: More transparency in the center of the caustics

Tint: Glass color
Absorption: Light to be absorbed as it passes through the volume (required to see the tint color)


Render by Sanctus

Render by Sanctus

Render by Sanctus


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