
Use the “Add New” to add the asset to the scene


Parallel: When active eyes direction will be parallel and not individually looking at the target
Eyes Radius: Eye radius (by default it is using the average human eye radius)
Eyes Separation: Eye separation (by default it is using the average human eye separation)
Eyes Target: Select an object or empty as the eyes target, when you move this object the eyes will look at it.
Pupil Color: Color of the pupil
Pupil Focus: Animates the iris and pupil simulating how the eye pupil dilates and contracts
Pupil Scale: The pupil scale (won’t affect the iris texture)
Pupil Width: Pupil width (to make vertical pupils)
Pupil Height: Pupil Height (to make horizontal pupils)
Iris Size: The size of the iris
Iris Hue: Iris color hue
Iris Saturation: Iris color saturation
Iris Value: Iris color value (brightness)
Seed: Gives different results using the same parameters

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