Technical Details

Render Engines Compatibility: Eevee, Cycles
Requires Displacement: No
Requires UVs: Yes
Processing/Complexity: 1/3
Can be baked: Yes (How to bake materials)


This effect imitates a painting, it comes with an example image texture that you can replace in the shader editor inside the marked node group:


Paint Detail: The strokes will be smaller and more detailed
Paint Roughness: The roughness of the noise used for the texture
Stroke Scale: Scale of strokes
Stoke Variation: Adds more variation between stokes color
Twist: Twists the strokes

Main Scale: Overall Scale
Effect Intensity: Effect intensity (0 no effect at all, 1 full effect)
Paint Zoom: Zoom for the image
Border Limit: Scales the border of the painting without affecting the image texture
BG Color: Background color

Hue: Painting Hue
Saturation: Painting Saturation
Value: Painting Value

▼ Mapping (For the image texture, works exactly as a mapping node)
Location: Location
Rotation: Rotation
Scale: Scale
Seed: Seed


Render by Sanctus


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