Adds a terrain where objects leave prints and trails. To affect the surface the object has to be lower than the floor.
1- Click the “Add New” button
2- Select the collection with the objects that will affect the terrain in the modifiers tab
3- Animate the objects to go lower than the floor to affect it.
Size X: X axis scale
Size Y: Y axis scale
Terrain Texture Scale: The scale of the texture displacing the terrain
Terrain Texture Displacement: Displacement multiplier to make the terrain uneven
Terrain Density: How dense the terrain is when interacting with other objects (more dense results in sharper edges, less dense makes soft and curved edges)
Subdivisions After (Heavy): Adds a subdivision surface after the simulation to smooth the geometry
Smooth: A control to smooth/relax the mesh
Border Height: How high the border of trails will displace
Material: Replace terrain material
Collection: Set the collection with the objects that will affect the terrain
Low Res Preview: A switch to lower the resolution to speed up previews
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