
Select an object, and click “Apply to Mesh”. The generator will convert it to stained glass following the object’s edges.


Strips Material: The material used for the strips
Glass Material: The material used for the glass

Strips Color: Color
Strips Metallic: Metallic
Strips Roughness: Roughness
Resolution: The amount of sides the strips have
Radius: Radius of strips
Shadow: Strips cast shadows
Shade Smooth: Shade Smooth control

Glass Light Through: The amount of light that goes through the glass
Glass Roughness: Glass Roughness
Caustics Offset: Offsets the caustics
Caustics Strength: Caustics strength
Glass Bump: Controls Glass bump
Bump Scale: Bump texture scale

Number of Colors: Amount of different colors used (Affects all 3 pattern methods)
Seed: Gives different results using the same parameters

Area|Index|Random: Picks from 3 different color pattern methods
Assignes colors based on the face areas, faces with similar area surface will be assigned the same colors (a controls for the tolerance is available)

Assigns colors based on the Index number of the faces, to make the pattern symmetrical the object is mirrored and the index are also mirrored inside the GN modifier.
A control to pick the axis in witch the object and pattern is mirrored is available.
Important note: This method requires the object to have an edge loop along the mirroring axis to correctly mirror and weld the object

Like in this example here:

So that the modifier can correctly remove one half and mirror it along the selected axis:

Assigns random colors per face (The “Number of Colors” parameter also limits how many different colors will be assigned)

Tolerance: How much difference in area surface will be tolerated before assigning a different color to a face. 0 tolerance will only assign the same color if the areas are exactly the same, 1 tolerance will tolerate any size change making all the faces the same color. (The “Number of Colors” parameter also limits how many different colors will be assigned)

Mirror Axis (X,Y,Z): Selects the axis for the mirroring
Group Size: How many consecutive index numbers will have the same color before changing to another.

Subdivision Level: Number of subdivisions
Edge Crease: Edge Crease
Realize Instances: Activate this Only before applying the modifier to convert instances to mesh. (It may take some processing time)

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