Technical Details
Render Engines Compatibility: Cycles
Requires Displacement: No
Requires UVs: No
Processing/Complexity: 1/3
Can be baked: No
Overall Scale: Overall Scale
Foam Color: Foam Color
Bubbles Color: Bubbles Color
Auto Dimensions: Scales all parameters proportionally to the dimension of the object
Object Dimensions: Scales all parameters proportionally when Auto Dimensions is not active
Seed: Gives different results using the same parameters
Bubble Reflection: Adds Stronger Reflection to bubbles
Volume Density: Volume Density
Volume Bubbles: Bubbles Influence volume density. It creates pockets of 0 density where bubbles are in 3D space (heavy)
Volume Shadow: Controls volume shadow intensity
Bubbles Transparency: Bubbles Transparency
Bubbles Roughness: Bubbles roughness
Scale 1: Bubbles group 1 scale
Scale 2: Bubbles group 2 scale
Scale 3: Bubbles group 3 scale
Foam can have an emulated topping on top, like cinnamon powder for example
Topping Range: Distance of the topping from the center
Topping Scale: Topping texture scale
Topping Color: Topping color
Bump / Displacement: Switch from bump to displacement method (displacement requires dense mesh or adaptive subdivision and is more system demanding)
Displacement: Displacement height multiplier
Displace Only Up: At 1 it will mask the object so that only the top facing faces are displaced (preventing the sides of the objects to go through glasses or similar containers).
Bump: Bump multiplier
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