Technical Details
Render Engines Compatibility: Eevee, Cycles
Requires Displacement: No
Requires UVs: Yes
Processing/Complexity: 1/3
Can be baked: Yes (How to bake materials)
Scale: Overall Scale
Angle: Texture Rotation
Color: Metal Color
Color Contrast: Add contrast to the brushed texture
Min Roughness: Minimum Roughness
Max Roughness: Maximum Roughness
Brushed Effect (normals): Brushed effect strength in normals
Bevel Radius: The radius of the bevel that affects the normals to get more rounded edges (0 to deactivate) (Cycles Only)
Vector (Only visible in the Shader Editor):
An input where you can replace the default vector, you can for example plug a UV Map node with a Mapping node or any other texture coordinate.
More about stretched textures & mapping
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