Converts planes into plank flooring

-Create a plane with any shape you want

-Select the plane and click the “Apply to Mesh” button


Length: Planks Length
Width: Planks Width
Height: Planks height or thickness
Planks Separation: Separation between planks
Seed: Gives different results using the same parameters

Offset: Offsets planks position every row
Randomize Offset: Randomize offset between rows
Move X: Offsets all planks on X axis
Move Y: Offsets all planks on X axis
Random Rotation X: Adds random rotations on X axis to the planks
Random Rotation Y: Adds random rotations on Y axis to the planks

Nails Collection: Change the collection where the nails objects are
Amount of Nails: The amount of nails/missing nails (set to 0 to remove all of them)
Bad Nail Ratio: The ratio of badly placed / bent nails
Nail distance: Offset how deep nails are
Nails Seed: Gives different results using the same parameters

Color 1: Wood color 1
Color 2: Wood color 2
Color Variation: Color variation by plank
Roughness: Wood roughness
Knots Amount: Amount of knots
Knots Scale: Knots scale
Aspect Ratio: Wood aspect ratio
Scale: Texture Scale

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