You can apply the asset directly to an object like a lightbulb, or add one that you can move to the place you want.


Distance: How far away from the center insects fly
Speed: Flight speed
Speed Variation: Increases the range of speed assigned to each bug to a maximum of 0.5 to 1, When set to 0 all bugs fly at the same speed
Random / Orbit: Mixes between a more chaotic flight and a more organized orbit around the center

Count: Number of bugs
Size: Bugs scale
Wings Speed: Bugs wings speed
Simplify Bugs: Switches to a simplified bug with no wings

Overall Scale: Overall scale
Seed: seed (useful when using multiple instances to avoid them moving in the same pattern)
wings: Wings Material
body: Body Material
Firefly Factor: Number of bugs that are fireflies
Emission Strength: Fireflies emission strength
Emission Color: Fireflies emission color
Body Color: Bugs body color

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